Artist Statement
Mathieu Gagnon and Mathilde Forest create visual variations from issues related to landscape and the built environment in a practice combining photography, printmaking, 3d modeling, and video. Their research focuses mainly on urban transformations in their aesthetic and sociological dimensions and more particularly, the concepts of disappearance and preservation. Their projects are often carried out in places that are being redefined and where it seems meaningful to archive the current state of things. Mainly working with the serial form of the inventory, their artworks depict buildings, sites, or restitute their imprinted patterns to convey their essence, potentialities and memory.
Field research and reach out to different audiences are integral parts of their creative process. The projects of the duo are also involving a significant amount of experimentation with photogrammetry and point clouds – this technology allowing to create detailed 3D archives of places – while also using the spectral quality of the images it can produce.